Lesson 1 Reading Reflection

Essential Reading

Some students starting their careers as RBTs will have a background in education or psychology. In this article, Brown and Gillard address some of the common misconceptions about radical behaviourism (the philosophy of science adopted by behaviour-analysis) that have, unfortunately, made their way into ?numerous introductory textbooks.?

They also provided a brief overview of the relationship between behaviour-analysis and other scientific approaches to human behaviour.

Brown, F. J., & Gillard, D. (2015). The ?strange death? of radical behaviourism. The Psychologist, 28(1), 24?27.

Essential Viewing

Psychcore?s Youtube channel is an excellent resource for aspiring Registered Behaviour Technicians. Their ?Behavior Beast? videos are essentially 5 minute lectures that are delivered at pace. The below ?Behavior Beast? video will help you revise and consolidate the information you?ve already learned about the Attitudes of Science.

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