Essential Viewing
Psychcore’s Youtube channel is an excellent resource for aspiring Registered Behaviour Technicians. Their “Behavior Beast” videos are essentially 5-minute lectures that are delivered at pace. The below “Behavior Beast” video will help you revise and consolidate the information you’ve already learned about the Attitudes of Science.
Optional Reading
(Strongly recommended for Psychologists, Teachers and others who have studied behaviorism in a non-ABA course)
Some students starting their careers as RBTs will have a background in education or psychology. In this article, Brown and Gillard address some of the common misconceptions about radical behaviourism (the philosophy of science adopted by behaviour-analysis) that have, unfortunately, made their way into “numerous introductory textbooks.”
They also provided a brief overview of the relationship between behaviour-analysis and other scientific approaches to human behaviour.
Alternatively, you can find the article here:
Optional Viewing
Having completed Lesson 1 of this module, you’ll be familiar with the idea that behavior-analysts talk about private (covert) behavior and public (overt) behavior. Most of the current course will focus on techniques related to public behaviors, but if you’re interested in how behavior analysts address private behaviors, the below video may be a good starting point for you.
Conversation Exercise
In the bottom right-hand corner of your screen, you’ll see a conversation icon. Click on this to begin the conversation exercise with FRED our AI-powered chatbot. Alternatively, click this link to open the chat interface directly.

If you have not already, read this article to learn how to get the most from your learning conversation with FRED.
Reflection Exercise
Have you read our article explaining how to complete the reflection exercises in this course? Use the below prompt questions to reflect on the concepts and/or practices discussed in this lesson. You can include observations not related to these prompt questions as well if you would like to. Your reflections should be a minimum of 100 words (5-7 sentences) and a maximum of 500 words. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling. You can complete this exercise in your preferred language. The purpose of this exercise is to help you engage with the key concepts in the lesson in a deep manner. This will help you to remember what you’ve learned.
DO NOT copy and paste text from AI chatbots, this website or external websites when completing this exercise.
Remember, you will be emailed a copy of your responses to this exercise. These reflections can help to form the basis of your own personal revision notes for RBT exam preparation.
Reflection Exercise Prompts (Use one or more)
- Summarize Key Concepts: What are the main concepts or techniques you learned about in this lesson (including the introductory video, the consolidation exercise and the reading/viewing exercise)? Do you remember their definitions? Can you remember any examples?
- Define in Your Own Words: How would you explain these concepts or techniques in simple terms if you were talking to a friend?
- Importance and Relationships: Why do you think these concepts or techniques are important in behavior analysis? Can you identify any connections to other course content or previous training?
- Practical Application: When and where do you see these concepts or techniques being most useful? Can you think of scenarios where they might not be as effective?
- Application to Your Practice: How can you apply these concepts or techniques to your own professional practice or field of study? Share specific examples or ideas.
- Interesting and Surprising Insights: Did you come across anything in the assigned reading/viewing materials or Chatbot interactions that surprised you or piqued your interest? What was it?
Example Reflection
Before this lesson, I didn’t think of behavior as something that could be studied like a science. I thought psychology was mostly about emotions and thoughts, but now I see that behavior analysis is about looking at actions in a structured way. One thing that stood out to me was that behavior analysts believe behavior happens for a reason, and that it isn’t random. I never really thought about that before, but it makes sense. If someone is doing something over and over again, there must be a reason for it—even if we don’t understand it yet. The idea that we can change behavior by changing the environment also stuck with me. I work in a day center, and there’s a man who sometimes refuses to join activities. I used to think it was just his personality, but now I wonder if something in the environment is making it harder for him. I don’t know what it is yet, but this lesson made me want to start paying more attention to what’s happening around people when they behave in certain ways.
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