Essential Reading
Read the below transcript of a conversation between a BCBA called Fred and an RBT called Tia. In this conversation, they discuss the necessity of following a set of professional ethical guidelines/
Fred (ABA Supervisor): Good morning, Tia. How are you today?
Tia (RBT Supervisee): Morning, Fred. I’ve been thinking a lot about something lately and I’m hoping you can help me out. What’s the difference between morality, ethics, and law?
Fred: Great question, Tia. Let’s break it down. Morality is like your personal compass. it’s about what you personally believe is right or wrong. Ethics, on the other hand, is more about decision-making frameworks. It’s how we analyze objectives and ensure that what we’re doing is not just right for us but also for the greater good.
Tia: Okay, that makes sense. But why do we need professional ethics as RBTs? Isn’t it enough to just follow the law?
Fred: Good point. See, law is like the baseline, the minimum standard set by the state to keep everything functioning properly. But ethics? That’s the gold standard. As RBTs, we’re dealing with people’s lives and well-being. Professional ethics ensure we’re not just doing what’s legal but what’s truly best for our clients.
Tia: I get that, but why is clarity so important in this?
Fred: Imagine this, Tia. Every time you make a decision, you’re engaging with ethics, but it often happens subconsciously. Take the example of jaywalking. We do it all the time, low stakes, right? But if I asked you why you did it, could you explain the process you used to make that decision?
Tia: Probably not, it’s just something you do without thinking.
Fred: Exactly! That’s where clarity comes in. With clear ethical guidelines, you’re not just doing things automatically. You’re determining your objective, analyzing it critically, and making decisions that contribute to the best possible outcomes. It’s about being purposeful in what you do.
Tia: So, professional ethics is about being purposeful in our work?
Fred: Absolutely. It’s about knowing what you’re trying to achieve, ensuring it’s the best objective, and making every effort count towards achieving it. Professional ethics give us that clarity.
Tia: I see. It’s not just about following rules; it’s about making sure we’re doing the absolute best for our clients.
Fred: You got it, Tia. It’s about raising the bar, making sure our decisions are evidence-driven and contribute to the best possible outcomes. Any other questions on this?
Tia: No, that clears it up, Fred. Thanks for explaining it so well.
Fred: Anytime, Tia. It’s crucial stuff, and I’m glad you’re digging into it. Let me know if you have more questions down the road.
Optional Video
The following brief video from Ethilogical Consulting explains the difference between professional ethics and preferences and laws.
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