Essential Reading
Did you know that permanent product recording is the main way that we use to measure your progress during this course? Read the below learning conversation to see how we do this.
BCBA Fred: Hello Mohammed! How are you doing today? How is your Jigsaw RBT Course going?
RBT Mohammed: Hi Fred! I’m doing well, thank you. But I have a question about permanent product recording. I came across the term while studying, and I’m wondering if the course instructors use permanent product recording to measure student progress during the course.
BCBA Fred: Great question, Mohammed! Permanent product recording is a method of data collection that focuses on the effects of a behavior on the environment. In the context of your Jigsaw RBT Course, it means that your correct and incorrect responses during the RULEG PI consolidation exercises are measured using permanent product recording. Instead of observing your responses in real time, like using momentary time sampling, permanent product recording involves looking at the outcome of your behavior.
RBT Mohammed: Interesting! Can you explain how it works in more detail?
BCBA Fred: Absolutely! Permanent product recording involves examining the tangible outcomes or products of your behavior. In this case, the completed RULEG PI consolidation exercises act as the permanent product. Just like a teacher may use permanent product recording to measure the number of completed worksheets by students or a supervisor might utilize it to track the number of products assembled correctly by trainees, we use permanent product recording to assess your performance. By examining these completed exercises, we can count how many responses are correct versus incorrect and measure your progress in the course.
RBT Mohammed: I see! So, the completed exercises are like a concrete and semi-permanent impact of my behavior?
BCBA Fred: Precisely, Mohammed! The completed exercises provide tangible evidence of your performance. Instead of observing you during the exercises, we examine the outcome to gather data. This method is especially useful when behaviors have a consistent and direct impact on the environment. For example, in a vocational training program, the tangible products, like chairs or sandwiches, made correctly by trainees serve as the permanent product for data collection.
RBT Mohammed: That makes sense! So, rather than observing me during the exercises, we examine the outcome to collect data.
BCBA Fred: Exactly! Permanent product recording offers an efficient way to collect data, especially when observing in real time might not be feasible. In addition to the examples we mentioned, including monitoring the completion of worksheets or assignments in a classroom setting or tracking task completion in a community integration program, permanent product recording can be applied across various settings.
RBT Mohammed: Thank you for integrating those examples, Fred! It’s fascinating to learn how flexible permanent product recording can be in different situations. I appreciate the additional clarification.
BCBA Fred: You’re welcome, Mohammed! I’m glad I could provide more context and examples to help you understand permanent product recording better. Remember, if you have any more questions or need further clarification, don’t hesitate to reach out. Keep up the good work in your Jigsaw RBT Course!
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