Essential Reading
Below you’ll find a summary of an illustrative BSP. As a summary, it is missing some information (e.g., the full operational behavior definitions), however it is useful as it demonstrates the different types of strategies that might be used. Note that this is a BSP for a child in a special education classroom. Strategies that might be appropriate in some contexts, would not necessarily be appropriate in other contexts..

You might have noticed that some of the headings in the above BSP summary do not match the categories we discussed in the video for this lesson. There are a lot of different formats for support plans used within ABA practice. If your employer uses a new or different format, don’t worry. You should find the same types of proactive and reactive strategies in the plan even if they are categorized differently.
The below link will bring you to a guide for conducting a functional assessment and writing a BSP from Master ABA.. You may find it useful to review the section of functional assessment and functional analysis and the examples provided of various data collection techniques, however you should focus on the sections that review the different components of a BSP and the examples provided of these components.
Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP): The Complete Guide to Writing a Comprehensive Plan ? Master ABA
Finally, remember that as an RBT, your role may involve assisting in the functional assessment process and implementing the various components of the BSP. You will not be expected to write a BSP. If you have ideas for a BSP, you should discuss these with your supervisor during your supervision meetings.
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