Essential Reading
The two articles shared below by Dr. Andy Lattal of Aubrey Daniels International outlines some important factors that those using an extinction procedure should consider.
Extinction 101 | Aubrey Daniels International
Extinction 102 | Aubrey Daniels International
Essential Video
In this video from Hacking ABA, you will be provided with an overview of extinction and hear about an example of an alternative to traditional escape extinction.
In the following video from NATSPEC, Darren Evans describes some strategies that can be used as an alternative to, in conjunction with or as a component of extinction interventions. The obligatory section of the video starts at 20.49 and ends at 23.12.
Optional Videos
When a behavior that challenges is reinforced by escape from demand, escape extinction procedures are often used. In the past, parents and professionals often incorporated things like Escape Blocking, Forced Physical Prompts, or Nagging into their escape extinction procedures. The below video from Dr. Robert Schramm provides an example of how behaviours maintained by escape can be reduced without the use of Escape Blocking, Forced Physical Prompt or Nagging
It is recommended that you watch this video at YouTube in order to access the additional information about this case in the video’s description.
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