Essential Reading (Tutorial)
The below tutorial in Verbal Behavior by Einar Ingvarsson provides an overview of some basic tenets of VB as they pertain to behavioral interventions for autistic children. While this tutorial is relatively long (18 pages), it provides an excellent foundation for those who plan to use a verbal behavior approach when working with children with autism or related conditions.
There are references to some terms that you will not need to know for the RBT exam (e.g., relational frame theory or naming) and you may find the use of ABA terminology quite dense, however the tutorial should also help you to practice reading and understanding ABA terms. If you don’t understand a particular term, sentence or paragraph, ask the FRED bot to help explain it to you.
Optional Video
This video from Cornerstone ABA gives a brief overview with some examples of a variety of different VB categories (Operants).
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