In Lesson 1, you will be introduced to Behavior Analysis as a science of behavior. But what do we mean by ?science? and ?behavior?? And what?s the difference between Behavior Analysis and other sciences that seem to address similar phenomena? By the end of this lesson, you should know the answers to these questions.
Begin this module by watching the below video.
If you’d prefer to read a transcript of the video, please click here.
Once you’ve watched the video, complete the Consolidation Exercises.
Exercise 1 is intended to help you gain a basic understanding of the characteristics of science. In addition, it is designed to prompt you to think about the differences between science and pseudoscience.
Identifying what is, and is not, behaviour is an important part of working as an ABA professional.
In Exercise 2, you’ll learn to understand what we mean by “behaviour” within ABA.
In the previous two exercises, you learned about behaviour and science. In Exercise 3, you are asked to think about what a science of behaviour might look like.
Remember, you must complete the consolidation exercises and assigned readings before proceeding to Lesson 2.
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