RBT Module 1: Lesson 2 – Readings

Essential Reading

The below article from Baer et al. represents the first attempt to define Applied Behavior Analysis. For many, it is still regarded as the best attempt to define the applied science. It is an academic article and intended for a postgraduate-level audience, so you may find some of the content challenging. Please note that you are not expected to understand everything in the article, you can reflect on how comprehensible you find it in your reflection exercise submission.

Baer, D. M., Wolf, M. M., & Risley, T. R. (1968). Some current dimensions of applied behavior analysis. Journal of applied behavior analysis1(1), 91?97. https://doi.org/10.1901/jaba.1968.1-91

Essential Viewing

In the below video, Ryan O’Donnell of the Daily BA, attempts to describe the experimental analysis of behavior in under one minute.

Follow the link below to the UK Society for Behaviour Analysis website and watch the “This is ABA” video. This video gives multiple examples of areas in which ABA is utilized:

Conversation Exercise

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If you have not already, read this article to learn how to get the most from your learning conversation with FRED.

Reflection Exercise

DO NOT copy and paste text from AI chatbots, this website or external websites when completing this exercise.

Example Reflection:

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