Essential Reading
The UK Society for Behaviour Analysis (UK-SBA) seeks to contribute to public wellbeing both through the application of Behaviour Analysis and by ensuring that behaviour analysts practice safely, competently and ethically. In the below document, they provide an overview of the development of behavior over time and across the world. The document also discusses the dangers of unregulated practice.
UK Society for Behaviour Analysis (2019). Behaviour Analysis: From Science to Profession
Earlier in this lesson, we mentioned the results of a study that evaluated the results of an attempt to roll out the use of Functional Assessments in the United States. When you read this study, consider why the short training provided may not have been effective in teaching education staff to use functional assessment and use function-based, non-aversive interventions.
Please note that you may need to use your email or your Google or Facebook account to access this article.
Optional Reading
The following article offers a fascinating overview of the use of behavior analysis to enable space exploration. The overview covers studies examining social contingencies, motivational processes, and the design of space shuttle working/living environments. While we will be focusing on more immediately applicable techniques during this course, this article demonstrates how the scope of ABA is, almost, unlimited.
Brady, J. V. (2007). Behavior analysis in the space age. The Behavior Analyst Today, 8(4), 398.
Essential Watching
In our lessons, we discussed the Food Dudes imitative. Watch the below video to learn a little more about how this ABA-based intervention package works in practice.
Optional Watching
Below you’ll find examples of a variety of other applications of ABA.
Conversation Exercise
In the bottom right-hand corner of your screen, you’ll see a conversation icon. Click on this to begin the conversation exercise with FRED our AI-powered chatbot. Alternatively, click this link to open the chat interface directly.

If you have not already, read this article to learn how to get the most from your learning conversation with FRED.
Example Reflection:
Before this lesson, I thought ABA was mostly about working with autistic people or individuals with developmental disabilities, but now I see how widely it can be applied. The MammaCare program really stood out to me—I wouldn’t have thought behavior analysis could be used in medical training! It makes sense though, since ABA is about learning and improving performance. The Food Dudes program also made me realize that behavior change isn’t just about teaching people why something is important but about actually shaping behavior through exposure and reinforcement. That made me think differently about how people actually change their habits and it prompted me to ask FRED for general ideas about how ABA could be used to help me change some of my own habits.
One of the biggest takeaways for me was the importance of competency. I see now why some ABA interventions can be used by parents or teachers (like Headsprout), while others—like Functional Behavior Assessments—need to be supervised by a trained behavior analyst. It reminded me of when I saw a school trying to do an FBA without proper training. The support plan they made was vague and mostly focused on punishment (like the ones in the Van Acker article), which we now know lacks social validity. This lesson made me think more critically about when an intervention is actually ABA and when it’s just using ABA terms without being backed by proper training. It also helped me realize that as an RBT, I need to know my limits and always work under supervision when dealing with complex cases. I can see now why this is part of the ethical code in ABA.
Reflection Exercise
Have you read our article explaining how to complete the reflection exercises in this course? Use the below prompt questions to reflect on the concepts and/or practices discussed in this lesson. You can include observations not related to these prompt questions as well if you would like to. Your reflections should be a minimum of 100 words (5-7 sentences) and a maximum of 500 words. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling. The purpose of this exercise is to help you engage with the key concepts in the lesson in a deep manner. This will help you to remember what you’ve learned.Remember, you will be emailed a copy of your responses to this exercise. These reflections can help to form the basis of your own personal revision notes for RBT exam preparation.Reflection Exercise Prompts
- Summarize Key Concepts: What are the main concepts or techniques you learned about in this lesson (including the introductory video, the consolidation exercise and the reading/viewing exercise)? Do you remember their definitions? Can you remember any examples?
- Define in Your Own Words: How would you explain these concepts or techniques in simple terms if you were talking to a friend?
- Importance and Relationships: Why do you think these concepts or techniques are important in behavior analysis? Can you identify any connections to other course content?
- Practical Application: When and where do you see these concepts or techniques being most useful? Can you think of scenarios where they might not be as effective?
- Application to Your Practice: How can you apply these concepts or techniques to your own professional practice or field of study? Share specific examples or ideas.
- Interesting and Surprising Insights: Did you come across anything in the assigned reading/viewing materials or Chatbot interactions that surprised you or piqued your interest? What was it?
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