Essential Reading
Dr Lee Daffin’s open text book (Principles of Learning and Behavior) is an excellent, free resource for those who would like to learn about behavioural principles. Section 4.1 is your assigned reading for this lesson.
Essential Video
The following video from Steven Barnes summarizes the classical/respondent conditioning process and outlines how it works in practice. The first 3 minutes and 30 seconds are essential viewing but the remainder of the video is optional.
Optional Videos
This video shows you how Respondent Conditioning is used within advertising. If you think that Pavlovian Conditioning just works on dogs, think again!
Conversation Exercise
In the bottom right-hand corner of your screen, you’ll see a conversation icon. Click on this to begin the conversation exercise with FRED our AI-powered chatbot. Alternatively, click this link to open the chat interface directly.

If you have not already, read this article to learn how to get the most from your learning conversation with FRED.
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