RBT Module 4 Navigation Page

In Lesson 1, you’ll learn about the purpose of teaching within ABA – how we seek to ensure that behaviours occur in response to naturally occurring antecedents. You’ll also learn about one of the most commonly used procedures within ABA – prompting.

In Lesson 1, you learned about prompting. Lesson 2 teaches you how we remove prompts through prompt fading so that we ensure that behaviours occur in response to naturally occurring antecedents.

Lesson 3 will introduce you to the concept of Shaping. Shaping is used to establish a new behaviour within a person’s repertoire through the reinforcement of successive approximations towards a terminal target behaviour. It is a powerful procedure and in this lesson, we’ll look at how we encounter it in everyday life.

Many behaviours can be broken down into steps with each of these steps being a behaviour. These types of behaviour are known as behaviour chains and in Lesson 4, you’ll look at how behaviour chains work and how we can use this knowledge to teach new skills.

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