Module 9 Navigation

Module 9 will introduce you to several commonly used ABA teaching formats. This will involve integrating your knowledge from all of our previous modules.

In Lesson 1, we examine the format known as Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT). This technique is an ABA technique that has been commonly used in services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities for many decades, however it can be used with any population.

In Lesson 2, you will learn about Incidental Teaching – a mand training procedure that can be adapted for use for learners of any age where the goal is to increase somebody’s ability to communicate their wants and needs.

In this lesson, you’ll learn about Natural Environment Teaching (NET). This teaching format has similarities within incidental teaching and embedded discrete trial teaching.

In Lesson 4, you’ll learn about Behavioural Skills Teaching and the Teaching Interaction Protocol. These teaching formats can be used to teach a wide variety of skills including social and vocational skllls.

Regardless of the teaching procedures you are asked to use, you should be provided with a technological description of how to use the technique. In Lesson 5, we will look at the features of a skill acquisition plan and the knowledge you will need to use the teaching formats we’ve covered earlier in this course.

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