In Module 5, you’ll learn about different methods of measurement. Before learning about specific techniques, Lesson 1 introduces you to purpose of measurement and its role within ABA.
In Lesson 1, you learned about one of the most common methods of measurement in ABA – frequency.
While frequency is a very useful measurement in some circumstances, in other circumstances other dimensions of a behaviour are more important. In Lesson 3, you’ll learn about how to measure one of those other dimensions – duration.
Continuous measurement systems, such as frequency and duration, can be highly accurate and useful when used correctly. However, there are circumstances where continuous methods are not practical and instead we use discontinuous methods. In this lesson, you’ll learn about some discontinuous methods of measurements.
In Lesson 5, you’ll learn about the discontinuous measurement system known as Momentary Time Sampling.
In Lesson 6, you’ll learn about Scatterplots. Scatterplots involve dividing a day into intervals and then recording when behaviours of interest occur. They are especially useful when trying to understand the reason why behaviours that challenge occur. This lesson is designed to prepare you to use them in practice
In Lesson 7 , you’ll learn about the continuous measurement system known as latency. Latency is an important dimension of behaviour in many different circumstances. This lesson will provide you with the knowledge required to prepare you to measure the latency of a behaviour.
Lesson 8 addresses ABC recording. Like Scatterplot recording, ABC recording provides us with some information about what was happening at the time of a behaviour. However, this information is more detailed. It provides us with more information about the sequence of events.
In Lesson 9, you’ll learn about permanent product recording. Most behaviour analytic measurement procedures involve recording some dimensions of a behaviour in real time. In contrast, permanent product measures the effect of a behaviour on an environment. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use this measurement system.
Lesson 10 brings together much of the knowledge that you acquired earlier during this module. You’ll look at why we graph the data we measure and record and learn about the different features of good graphing practice.